Parameters for Fillers
This table contains all the possible or required parameters to set up fillers in the Kitchen applications (3DCloud, Assembly Editor).
➡️ See the tutorial Set Up Fillers for a concrete case on the use of parameters in 3DCloud and Assembly Editor.
Mandatory Parameters
The following parameters are mandatory and must be set for a filler.
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Status | Default Value | Possible Values | Function |
width | real | mandatory | – | [0 ;∞] | Defines the product size of the model on the X-axis (from left to right). |
depth | real | mandatory | – | [0 ;∞] | Defines the product size of the model on the Y-axis (from front to back). |
height | real | mandatory | – | [0 ;∞] | Defines the product size of the model on the Z-axis (from bottom to top). |
Optional Parameters
Reserved name parameter
The following parameters are optional and the name of the parameter are reserved words (can not be modified). To set up these parameters you should use the exact name of the parameter.
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Status | Default Value | Possible Values | Function |
allowWallPanelAutoCompletion | boolean | optional | TRUE | TRUE / FALSE | Enables to set automatically wall panel option to a filler if this filler is added in a linear where a wall panel is already set. Requires wallPanelOption [boolean] . |
corniceOption | string | optional | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | Enables the customer to activate and choose a cornice. |
decoStripOption | string | optional | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | Enables the customer to activate and choose a deco strip. |
fillerPiece | product | optional | – | – | Defines a product that will be used to build the filler. |
isAuto | string | optional | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | Defines whether the filler can be placed automatically or not. |
leftCorniceBack | string | optional | TRUE | TRUE / FALSE | Enables the customer to activate a cornice return to the wall on the left side of the cabinet. Requires corniceOption [boolean] . |
leftDecoStripBack | string | optional | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | Enables the customer to activate a decorative strip return to the wall on the left side of the cabinet. Requires decoStripOption [boolean] . |
leftDepth | real | optional | – | [0 ;∞] | Defines the depth of the left side of the filler. |
leftWallPanel | boolean | optional | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | Enables the customer to activate a wall panel to the wall on the left side of the cabinet. Requires wallPanelOption [boolean] . |
leftWidth | real | optional | – | [0 ;∞] | Defines the width of the left side of the filler. |
legHeight | real | optional | – | [0 ;∞] | Dedicated parameter to change the height of the leg, which will change the vertical position of the box. |
plinthOption | string | optional | TRUE | TRUE / FALSE | Enables the customer to activate and choose a plinth. |
rightDepth | real | optional | – | [0 ;∞] | Defines the depth of the right side of the filler. |
rightCorniceBack | string | optional | TRUE | TRUE / FALSE | Enables the customer to activate a cornice return to the wall on the right side of the cabinet. Requires corniceOption [boolean] . |
rightDecoStripBack | string | optional | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | Enables the customer to activate a decorative strip return to the wall on the right side of the cabinet. Requires decoStripOption [boolean] . |
rightWallPanel | boolean | optional | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | Enables the customer to activate a wall panel to the wall on the right side of the cabinet. Requires wallPanelOption [boolean] . |
rightWidth | real | optional | – | [0 ;∞] | Defines the width of the right side of the filler. |
sectionOrientation | string | optional | – | 0 / 1 | Enables the customer to choose a deco strip orientation; this orientation can change size of contiguous side panels if enabled. Possible values are: ▪️ 0 (Horizontal) ▪️ 1 (Vertical) Requires decoStripOption [product] . |
wallEdgeStripOption | string | optional | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | Enables the customer to activate and choose a wall edge strip. |
wallPanelOption | string | optional | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | Enables the customer to activate and choose a worktop style that is automatically generated by the kitchen application. |
worktopOption | string | optional | TRUE | TRUE / FALSE | Defines whether the product has a worktop option or not. Requires to define paths in the BMA. |