Distance Between Linears
Minimum distance between two cabinets with worktops.
Notification level: ⚠
Key | Value |
ID | MinDistanceBTTwoLinears |
Translation key (front to front) | min_dis_front_front_of_twoLinears_title min_dis_front_front_of_twoLinears_message |
Translation key (front to side) | min_dis_front_side_of_twoLinears_title min_dis_front_side_of_twoLinears_message |
Translation key (front to back) | min_dis_front_back_of_twoLinears_title min_dis_front_back_of_twoLinears_message |
Translation key (worktop to worktop) | min_dis_wt_to_wt_of_twoLinears_title min_dis_wt_to_wt_of_twoLinears_message |
This rule checks if the distance between two cabinets with worktops matches the minimum distance, in order to prevent the user from planning an invalid or dangerous kitchen.
Trigger Conditions
It is triggered if the distance between two cabinets with worktops is less than the minimum distance set in the application. The application displays a warning to modify the position of one of these base cabinets.
Overload Parameter
Key name | Type | Default value | Description |
minDistanceFront | number | 1200 | This parameter defines the necessary minimum distance between two cabinets with worktops placed front to front. Mandatory. |
minDistanceOther | number | 1000 | This parameter defines the necessary minimum distance between two cabinets with worktops placed front to back, front to side or worktop to worktop. Mandatory. |
frontDistance | number | 1200 | (Deprecated, use minDistanceFront) This parameter defines the necessary minimum distance between two cabinets with worktops placed front to front. |
otherDistance | number | 1000 | (Deprecated, use minDistanceOther) This parameter defines the necessary minimum distance between two cabinets with worktops placed front to back, front to side or worktop to worktop. |
Case 1 – Check with two front to front linears
The distance between two front to front cabinets with worktops is less than the distance parameter, the business rule is triggered and warns the user to change the position of the cabinets. An animation is displayed to guide the user through the changes.
Once the user has moved a linear away from the other to a distance of at least 1200 mm (the overload value in this example).
After clicking Refresh the check on the Help center, the design is now error free.
Case 2 – Check with two front to side linears
The distance between two front to side cabinets with worktops is less than the distance parameter, the business rule is triggered and warns the user to change the position of the cabinets. An animation is displayed to guide the user through the changes.
Once the user has moved a cabinet with worktop away from the other to a distance of at least 1000 mm (the overload value in this example).
After clicking Refresh the check on the Help center, the design is now error free.
Case 3 – Check with two front to back cabinets
The distance between two front to back linears is less than the distance parameter, the business rule is triggered and warns the user to change the position of the linear. An animation is displayed to guide the user through the changes.
Once the user has moved a cabinet with worktop away from the other to a distance of at least 1000 mm (the overload value in this example).
After clicking Refresh the check on the Help center, the design is now error free.
Case 4 – Check with two worktop to worktop cabinets
The distance between two worktop to worktop cabinets is less than the distance parameter, the business rule is triggered and warns the user to change the position of the cabinet. An animation is displayed to guide the user through the changes.
Once the user has moved a cabinet away from the other to a distance of at least 1000 mm (the overload value in this example).
After clicking Refresh the check on the Help center, the design is now error free.