Parameters for a Cabinet
This document lists all the possible or required parameters to set up a cabinet in the Kitchen application. This section does not correspond to a specific product type (closed tag), but to any product holding the semantics of an independent cabinet unit.
Product types corresponding to this section are typically (but not exclusively) Base Cabinets
, Wall Cabinets
, High Cabinets
, etc.
➡️ See the tutorial Create a Cabinet for a concrete case on the use of parameters in 3DCloud and Assembly Editor.
Mandatory Parameters
The following parameters are mandatory and must be set for all cabinets.
Name | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | Visible | Function |
width | real | – | [0 ;∞] | any | Defines the product size of the model on the X-axis (from left to right of the cabinet). |
depth | real | – | [0 ;∞] | any | Defines the product size of the model on the Y-axis (from front to back of the cabinet). |
height | real | – | [0 ;∞] | any | Defines the product size of the model on the Z-axis (from bottom to top of the cabinet). |
Optional Parameters
Reserved names
The following parameters are optional and the name of the parameter are reserved words (cannot be modified).
They are listed by feature: depending on what you want to enable on your cabinet, add the corresponding parameters to it.
Parameters for legs
The following parameters are used to configure some legs behaviors in the planner.
Name | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | Visible | Function |
leftLegOption | integer | 1 | 1/2/3/4 | NO | Defines the positioning of the cabinet left legs. This parameter requires the FurnitureLegRule applicative rule to handle the leg configuration. |
rightLegOption | integer | 1 | 0/1/2 | NO | Defines the positioning of the cabinet right legs. This parameter requires the FurnitureLegRule applicative rule to handle the leg configuration. |
leg | product | – | – | any | Dedicated parameter for the leg. |
legHeight | real | – | – | any | Dedicated parameter to change the height of the leg, which will change the vertical position of the box. |
supportLegOption | boolean | – | TRUE / FALSE | NO | Defines the activation of support leg(s) on the cabinet. This parameter is only necessary for corner cabinets. This parameter requires the FurnitureLegRule applicative rule to handle the leg configuration. |
Parameters for decorative legs
The decorative legs feature and all the parameters listed below also require the activation of the FurnitureDecoLegRule applicative rule. You can find more details about the below parameters in the dedicated documentation.
Name | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | Visible | Function |
backAdditionalLegPosition | real | 0 | [-∞ ; ∞] | NO | Defines the position of an additional straight decorative leg on the back side. If the value is negative, it corresponds to the distance from the left side of the cabinet to the left side of the additional leg. If the value is positive, it corresponds to the distance from the right side of the cabinet to the right side of the additional leg. If the value is 0, it means that no additional legs is present. |
backLeftAdditionalLegPosition | real | 0 | [-∞ ; ∞] | NO | Defines the position of an additional straight decorative leg on the back left side. This parameter is only necessary for corner cabinets and replaces backAdditionalLegPosition .If the value is negative, it corresponds to the distance from the left side of the cabinet to the left side of the additional leg. If the value is positive, it corresponds to the distance from the right side of the cabinet to the right side of the additional leg. If the value is 0, it means that no additional legs is present. |
backRightAdditionalLegPosition | real | 0 | [-∞ ; ∞] | NO | Defines the position of an additional straight decorative leg on the back right side. This parameter is only necessary for corner cabinets and replaces backAdditionalLegPosition .If the value is negative, it corresponds to the distance from the left side of the cabinet to the left side of the additional leg. If the value is positive, it corresponds to the distance from the right side of the cabinet to the right side of the additional leg. If the value is 0, it means that no additional legs is present. |
leftAdditionalLegPosition | real | -1 | [-1] ∪ [0 ;∞] | NO | Defines the position of an additional straight decorative leg on the left side. -1 means that no left additional legs is present. |
rightAdditionalLegPosition | real | -1 | [-1] ∪ [0 ;∞] | NO | Defines the position of an additional straight decorative leg on the right side. -1 means that no left additional legs is present. |
leftDecoLegOption | integer | 1 | 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 | NO | Defines the activation of a straight or corner decorative leg on the left. |
rightDecoLegOption | integer | 1 | 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 | NO | Defines the activation of a straight or corner decorative leg on the right. |
supportDecoLegOption | boolean | – | TRUE / FALSE | NO | Defines the activation of support decorative leg(s) on the cabinet. This parameter is only necessary for corner cabinets. |
Parameters for linears
Parameters listed below are used to enable and configure the behavior of linears on your cabinet. All 6 types of linears are independent so you can activate only the required ones.
Name | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | Visible | Function |
allowWallPanelAutoCompletion | boolean | TRUE | TRUE / FALSE | NO | Enables to set automatically wall panel option to a cabinet if this cabinet is added in a linear where a wall panel is already set. Requires wallPanelOption [boolean] . |
corniceOption | boolean | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | YES | Enables the cornices on your cabinet. Also requires the linear paths in the product assembly. |
decoStripOption | boolean | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | YES | Enables the deco-strips on your cabinet. Also requires the linear paths in the product assembly. |
leftCorniceBack | boolean | TRUE | TRUE / FALSE | YES | Enables the customer to activate cornice return to the wall on the left side of the cabinet. Requires corniceOption [boolean] . |
leftDecoStripBack | boolean | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | YES | Enables the customer to activate a deco strip return to the wall on the left side of the cabint. Requires decoStripOption [boolean] . |
leftWallPanel | boolean | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | YES | Enables the wall panel to be placed on the left wall of the cabinet. Requires wallPanelOption [boolean] . |
plinthOption | boolean | TRUE | TRUE / FALSE | YES | Enables the plinths on your cabinet. Also requires the linear paths in the product assembly. |
rightCorniceBack | boolean | TRUE | TRUE / FALSE | YES | Enables the customer to activate cornice return to the wall on the right side of the cabinet. Requires corniceOption [boolean] . |
rightDecoStripBack | boolean | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | YES | Enables the customer to activate a deco strip return to the wall on the right side of the cabinet. Requires decoStripOption [boolean] . |
rightWallPanel | boolean | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | YES | Enables the wall panel to be placed on the right wall of the cabinet. Requires wallPanelOption [boolean] . |
riserOption | boolean | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | YES | Enables the risers on your cabinet. Also requires the linear paths in the product assembly. |
sectionOrientation | integer | 0 | 0 / 1 | NO | Enables the customer to choose a deco strip orientation; this orientation can change size of contiguous side panels if enabled. Possible values are: ▪️ 0 (Horizontal) ▪️ 1 (Vertical) Requires decoStripOption [product] . |
specificPlinth | product | – | – | any | Defines a particular plinth product that is added in the BOM. The product price is automatically added to the total price. |
wallEdgeStripOption | boolean | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | YES | Enables the wall edge strips on your cabinet. Also requires the linear paths in the product assembly. |
wallPanelOption | boolean | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | YES | Enables the wall panels on your cabinet. Also requires the linear paths in the product assembly. |
worktopOption | boolean | TRUE | TRUE / FALSE | YES | Enables the worktops on your cabinet. Also requires the linear paths in the product assembly. |
worktopThick | real | – | [0 ;∞] | NO | Enables the Range Manager to use thickness of the worktop to calculate the position of other products in the cabinet assembly (e.g. sinks or cooktops). This value should be a range from 0 to the maximum possible worktop thickness. If the cabinet has no worktop, the value of this parameter is 0. |
xLegOffset | real or integer | – | [0 ;∞] | NO | Defines the sides offsets (inwards) for the plinths generation. |
yFrontLegOffset | real or integer | – | [0 ;∞] | NO | Defines the front offset (inwards) for the plinths generation. |
yBackLegOffset | real or integer | – | [0 ;∞] | NO | Defines the back offset (inwards) for the plinths generation. |
Parameters for automatic cover panels
The following parameters are used to enable the automatic management of cover-panels for each cabinet side independently (back, left and right sides). In a general way, this algorithm automatically removes the cover-panel when the cabinet side is completely masked by another product or a wall. It then adds it back when the side becomes partially or entirely visible.
If you need those cover-panels but without the automatic management, the parameter names are free and none of the below parameters are required.
Name | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | Visible | Function |
autoLeftCoverPanel | boolean | TRUE | TRUE / FALSE | YES | Lets the user decide if they want to enable or disable the automatic management of the left cover panel. Requires leftCoverOption [boolean] and leftCoverPanel [product] . |
autoRightCoverPanel | boolean | TRUE | TRUE / FALSE | YES | Lets the user decide if they want to enable or disable the automatic management of the right cover panel. Requires rightCoverOption [boolean] and rightCoverPanel [product] . |
backCoverOption | boolean | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | NO | Enables the automatic management of the cabinet back side panel by the planner. The cover panel is added when the back side is visible (not against another product). Requires backCoverPanel [product] . |
backLeftCoverOption | boolean | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | NO | Enables the automatic management of the cabinet back-left side panel by the planner. The cover panel is added when the back side is visible (not against another product). This parameter is only necessary for corner cabinets and replaces backCoverOption . Requires backLeftCoverPanel [product] . |
backRightCoverOption | boolean | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | NO | Enables the automatic management of the cabinet back-right side panel by the planner. The cover panel is added when the back side is visible (not against another product). This parameter is only necessary for corner cabinets and replaces backCoverOption . Requires backRightCoverPanel [product] . |
backCoverPanel | product | – | – | YES | Dedicated parameter for the back cover panel. |
backLeftCoverPanel | product | – | – | YES | Dedicated parameter for the back-left cover panel. This parameter is only necessary for corner cabinets and replaces backCoverPanel . |
backRightCoverPanel | product | – | – | YES | Dedicated parameter for the back-right cover panel. This parameter is only necessary for corner cabinets and replaces backCoverPanel . |
coverPanelDepth | real | 13 | [0 ;∞] | NO | DEPRECATED Defines the thickness of the cover panels for cover panel building and cabinet placement. |
leftCoverOption | boolean | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | NO | Enables the automatic management of the cabinet left side panel by the planner. Requires leftCoverPanel [product] . |
rightCoverOption | boolean | FALSE | TRUE / FALSE | NO | Enables the automatic management of the cabinet right side panel by the planner. Requires rightCoverPanel [product] . |
leftCoverPanel | product | – | – | YES | Dedicated parameter for the left side cover panel. |
rightCoverPanel | product | – | – | YES | Dedicated parameter for the right side cover panel. |
Parameters for manual cover panels
Name | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | Visible | Function |
bottomCoverPanel | product | – | – | YES | Dedicated parameter for the bottom cover panel. |
topCoverPanel | product | – | – | YES | Dedicated parameter for the top cover panel. |
Parameters for suspension rails
The following parameters are used to configure the suspension rail behavior in the planner.
Name | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | Visible | Function |
railOption | product | – | – | YES | Enables the customer to activate and define a suspension rail product. |
Parameters for lights
The following parameters are used to configure the suspension rail behavior in the planner.
Name | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | Visible | Function |
topLight | product | – | – | any | Dedicated parameter for the top light. This parameter is used in the the MinDistanceSlopingCeilingAndCabinets applicative rule. |
Parameters for worktop export data
The following parameters are used to configure the worktop export data. It you do not use the linear export feature, none of these parameters are required.
Name | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | Visible | Function |
sinkMounting | integer | – | – | any | Defines how the sink is mounted on the worktop. |
addDrainerGrooves | boolean | – | – | any | Defines whether the sink has drainer grooves. |
drainerGrooves | product | – | – | any | Defines the drainer grooves product. Requires addDrainerGrooves [boolean] . |
drainerGroovesPosition | integer | – | – | any | Defines whether the drainer grooves is on the left or the right side, or both. Requires addDrainerGrooves [boolean] . |
leftDrainerGroovesWidth | real or integer | – | – | any | Defines the size of the left drainer grooves. Requires addDrainerGrooves [boolean] . |
rightDrainerGroovesWidth | real or integer | – | – | any | Defines the size of the right drainer grooves. Requires addDrainerGrooves [boolean] . |
Parameters for commercial infos
Name | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | Visible | Function |
commercialDepth | integer | – | – | NO | Contains commercial depth used as filters in the catalog browser (e.g. "60 cm"). Needs to use parameter display fields for translation. (See more details about searchable parameters translation) |
commercialDimensions | string | – | – | NO | Contains commercial descriptions for dimensions displayed in the product information panel (e.g. "W400 x D600 x H880"). Needs to use parameter display fields for translation. |
commercialWidth | integer | – | – | NO | Contains commercial width used as filters in the catalog browser (e.g. "40 cm"). Needs to use parameter display fields for translation. (See more details about searchable parameters translation) |
Recommended names
The following parameters are optional and the name of the parameter are recommended (can be changed).
Parameters for box
Name | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | Visible | Function |
box | product | – | – | any | Dedicated parameter for the box. |
boxAssembly | product | – | – | any | Dedicated parameter for the box at assembly level. |
Parameters for drawers
Name | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | Visible | Function |
drawer | product | – | – | any | Dedicated parameter for the drawer. |
drawerFront | product | – | – | any | Dedicated parameter for the drawer front. |
drawerLight | product | – | – | any | Dedicated parameter for the drawer light. |
Parameters for doors
Name | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | Visible | Function |
damper | product | – | – | any | Dedicated parameter for the damper. |
doorAssembly | product | – | – | any | Dedicated parameter for the door at assembly level. |
front | product | – | – | any | Dedicated parameter for the front. |
hinge | product | – | – | any | Dedicated parameter for the hinge. |
side | integer | -1 | -1 / 1 | any | Enables the customer to change the door opening side of the cabinet, and the handle position in the same time. Values are: ▪️ -1 (Left) ▪️ 1(Right) |
Parameters for handles
Name | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | Visible | Function |
handle | product | – | – | any | Dedicated parameter for the handle. |
handleLayout | integer | 1 | 0/1 | any | Enables the customer to define the position of the handle: either centered or on a side. To define which side, the side parameter is required. Values are :▪️ 0 = Force the position to center ▪️ 1 = Keep the position defined by the side parameter. |
handleOrientation | integer | 1 | 0/1 | any | Enables the customer to change the handle orientation Available only if handleLayout = 1.Values are: ▪️ 0 = horizontal ▪️ 1 = vertical |
Parameters for cover panels
Name | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | Visible | Function |
zLeftCoverPosition | real | – | – | any | Enables the Range Manager to define the height at which the left cover panel starts from the floor Requires leftCoverPanel [product] . |
zRightCoverPosition | real | – | – | any | Enables the Range Manager to define the height at which the right cover panel starts from the floor Requires rightCoverPanel [product] . |
Parameters for lights
Name | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | Visible | Function |
spotLight | product | – | – | any | Dedicated parameter for the spot light. |
worktopLight | product | – | – | any | Dedicated parameter for the worktop light. |